
មាតិការសំខាន់ៗ HOT CONTENTS


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ឆ្នាំ ១៩៩៩

  • ថ្ងៃទី១ ខែ១ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =ហ៊ុន សែន ឆ្លើយទៅ និង ការដែល ទីតៀន គាត់អំពីការ លើក លែងទោស អោយលោក ខៀវ សំផន .លោក នួន ជា ដោយ បាន អះអាងាថា គាត់ពុំដែល លើក លែង ទោស ពួកគេទេ ប៉ុន្តែផ្ទុយ ទៅវិញគាត់ គាំទ្រការ កាត់ទោស ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី២ដល់ទី៣ ខែ១ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩ =លោក នួន ជា និង លោក ខៀង សំផន ទៅទស្សនកិច្ច នៅ អង្គរវត្ត និង ត្រឡប់ ទៅក្រុង ប៉ៃលិន វិញ ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី១៥ ខែ១ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩  =គណបក្ស លោក តា ស៊ឺន សាន រំលាយ ចូលជា មួយ គណបក្ស ហ៊្វុន ស៊ីនប៉ិច ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី២០ ខែ១ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩ =ស្តេច ក្រុមឃុន សេរីវុឌ្ឍ យាងត្រឡប់ មក កម្ពុជាវិញ បន្ទាប់ ពីនិរទេស ខ្លួនទៅ ប្រទេស បារាំង អស់រយះ ពេលជាង ៣ឆ្នាំ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី២៣ ខែ១ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩   =សម្តេច សី ហនុ យាង ត្រឡប់មក កម្ពុជាវិញ ដែល ព្រះអង្គ បានចេញ ទៅប៉េកាំង នៅថ្ងៃទី១៤ ខែ១១ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៨ ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី២៩ ខែ១ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =គណរដ្ឋមន្ត្រី សំរេច កាត់ប្រាក់ ខែចំនួន ៧០% ពីសមាជិក រដ្ឋាភិបាល តាមច្បាប់ ដើម្បី ឆ្លើយតប ទៅកូដកម្មរបស់ គ្រូបង្រៀន ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី៣ ខែ២ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =ពីធីកាត់ ខ្សែរបូរ បើកការដ្ឋាន ស្ពាន ទន្លេរបិត នៅខេត្ត កំពង់ចាម ដែលចូល រួមដោយ លោក ហ៊ុន សែន ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី៤ ដល់៦ ខែ២ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩ =ហ៊ុន សែន ដឹកនាំ គណប្រតិភូ ទៅប្រទេស ម៉ាលេស៊ី ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី៩ដល់់១២ ខែ២ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =ហ៊ុន សែន ដឹកនាំ គណប្រតិភូ ទៅចិន ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី២៣ ដល់២៨ ខែ២ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =លោក ហ៊ុន សែន ដឹកនាំ គណប្រតិភូ ទៅជប៉ុន ( ប្រជុំ នៅ តូក្យូ របស់ ក្រុម ប្រទេស ផ្តល់ ជំនួយ ឲ្យមក កម្ពុជា ដោយ មាន លោក សម រង្សស៊ីជា អ្នកអោយ យោបល់ ក្រុម ប្រទេស ទាំងអស់ ដើម្បីផ្ជាប់ លក្ខ័ណ និង ជំនួយមក កម្ពុជា ពេលនោះ លោក សម រង្ស៊ី ទទួលបាន ជោគជ័យ )​ ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី២៥ ខែ២ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =ក្រុមហ៊ុន FormosarPlastic បានចុះ ហត្ថលេខា យល់ព្រម ខ្ចប់ កាក សំណល់ ទៅតៃ វ៉ាន់ វិញ ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី២ដល់៤ ខែ៣ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =សភាជាតិ ប្រកាស ពិភាក្សា ស្តីពី វិសោធនកម្ម រដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញ នូវ មាត្រា មួយចំនួន ដើម្បី បង្កើត ព្រឹទ្ធសភា ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី៦ ខែ៣ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =តា ម៉ុក ត្រូវចាប់​ខ្លួន នៅក្បែរ អន្លង់វែង និង បញ្ជូនមក ភ្នំពេញ នៅថ្ងៃទីដដែល ដោយឧទ្ធម្ភាចក្រ ហើយឃុំ នៅគុក យោធា ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី៧ ខែ៣ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩    =លោក ញ៉ឹក ប៊ុនឆៃ ត្រឡប់ ពីបាងកក បន្ទាប់ពី គេច ចេញពី ភ្នំពេញ អស់រយះ ពេល១ឆ្នាំ ៧ខែ ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី៨ ខែ៣ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =លោក ហោ ណាំហុង ធ្វើ ដំណើ តាមយន្តហោះ ទៅញ៉ូវ យ៉ក ដើម្បីជួប លោក កូស ហ្វីអាណាន់ ស្តីអំពី សេចក្តី ប្រកាស ខ្មែរ ក្រហម ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី១១ ខែ៣ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩     =សម្តេច នរោត្តម សី ហនុ ឡាយព្រះហស្ថ លេខាលើ ព្រះរាជក្រិត្យ ដើម្បីតែង តាំង លោក ជា ស៊ីម ជាប្រធាន ព្រឹទ្ធសភា ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី១៥ ដល់ ១៧ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =ហ៊ុន សែន ទស្សនកិច្ច នៅអណ្ឌូណេស៊ី និង ចុះ ហត្ថលេខា លើ កិច្ចព្រម ពព្រៀង ស្តីពីការការពារ អ្នកវិនិយោគ ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី១៣ ខែ៣ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ ចក្រពង្ស យាង ត្រឡប់មក ប្រទេស វិញ បន្ទាប់ ពី និរទេស ៦ឆ្នាំ ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី២៥ ខែ៣ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩  =ព្រឹទ្ធបើក សម័យប្រជុំ លើកទី១ នៃនិតិកាលទី១ របស់ខ្លួន នៅ កំការមន និងស្បថ នៅព្រះបរម រាជវាំង ។
  • ថ្ងៃទី២ ខែ៤ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៩    =កាកសំណល់ ជាតិពុល ត្រូវគេដឹក តាមកប៉ាល ចេញពីកម្ពុជា ។

1999 Chronology Of Cambodian History
Jan. 1, 1999

PM Hun Sen, responds to the criticism, denies that he thinks of pardoning Khieu Samphan and Noun Chea but support the trial of them.

Jan. 2-3, 1999

Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea visit Angkor Wat and returned to Pailin.

Jan. 4, 1999

King Norodom Sihanouk said that he would renounce his royal immunity to appear before any tribunal set up to judge the Khmer Rouge. "As I've said and written several times, I am ready to appear in front of a tribunal in charge of judging the Khmer Rouge and their real or supposed accomplices," the King said.

Jan. 6, 1999

PM Hun Sen ordered a crackdown of unauthorized cutting, transporting and processing of timber. He called for "the toughest and most urgent measures" to deal with the illegal logging. According to the British environmental group (Global Witness), all commercially valuable timber will be extracted from Cambodia within five years if logging continues unchecked.

Jan. 11, 1999

Workers strike over pay and conditions. More than 1000 garment workers, who work for Malaysia's PCCS Ltd., went on strike to demand better overtime pay and working conditions. Workers complained that their overtime pay had been cut and factory where they work was too hot and poorly ventilated.

Jan. 14, 1999

Ministers deny approving toxic waste dump. Cambodian ministers denied a report that the govt. approved the dumping of 3000 tone of mercury-laced waste from Taiwan. The English-language Cambodia Daily newspaper reported that the cabinet approved the dumping for a payment of $3 million to $6 million. The paper's anonymous source said an import application was received late 1998, but PM Hun Sen and senior members of his Cambodian People's Party had not been told the waste was toxic. According to the paper source, the payment went towards funding CPP's election campaign.

Jan. 15, 1999

Cambodia to reduce armed forces. PM Hun Sen said that his govt. would cut the size of the military and police forces. The Premier said he would demobilize more than 70,000 personnel from the military and police during his govt.'s five-year term. According to the govt., Cambodia now has 148,000 military personnel and 60,000 police officers. The govt. hopes to provide $1,200 to every demobilized person to help him or her return to civilian life.

Son Sann Party merges with FUNCINPEC.

Jan. 18, 1999

Govt. canceled the contract of forest concession with three investments companies. [Full Text]

Jan. 20, 1999

Prince Sirivudh returns home. Former Foreign Minister Prince Norodom Sirivudh, who went into exile in 1995 after being accused of involvement in a plot to assassinate second PM Hun Sen, returned to Cambodia. The Prince was convicted and sentenced in absentia to a 10 years prison term in Feb 1996. He was granted a royal pardon in late 1998 as part of a coalition deal between CCP and FUNCINPEC.

Cambodia and US reach new trade agreement. The two countries have reached agreement on levels of Cambodian garment exports to the US Under the three-year agreement, the US has imposed quotas on 12 categories of Cambodia's exporting garments including blouses, shirts and cotton sweaters. Previously the US imposed no restrictions on Cambodian garment imports with the exception of a quota on cotton and man-made fiber gloves and mittens.

Jan. 23, 1999

King Sihanouk returned to Cambodia from Beijing after two months of medical treatment there. The 76 year-old King suffers from a variety of ailments including cancer of the colon.

Jan. 27, 1999

Most Cambodians wanted trial of Khmer Rouge. The Institute of Statistics and Research on Cambodia, a private polling group, said 80 percent of Cambodians want leaders of the Khmer Rouge be prosecuted for crimes committed during their reign of horror 1975-1979.

Jan. 29, 1999

Cabinet members approve to cut their salary by 70 percent in respond to teachers' strike demanding for higher salary. Govt. also wanted members of parliament to cut their pay. Average teacher monthly salary was around $20 comparing to MP of more than $1000 and most senior govt. officials of between $500 to $1000.

Feb. 3, 1999

Ground breaking ceremony of Mekong Bridge in Kompong Cham; Premier Hun Sen attends the ceremony.

Feb. 4-6, 1999

PM Hun Sen leads a delegation to Malaysia.

Feb. 9, 1999

PM Hun Sen leads a delegation to China from Feb. 9-12.

Feb. 12, 1999

Govt. incorporates the last remnants of the Khmer Rouge into the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces.

Feb. 15, 1999

Three charged over toxic waste. Cambodia Daily newspaper reported that three govt. officials have been charged over the toxic waste. Two customs officials and a port inspector were accused of causing damage to life, property and the environment. All three were released on bail.

Feb. 18, 1999

The UN Group of Experts publish its report “The Report of the Group of Experts for Cambodia Pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 52/125” recommending the creation of an international tribunal and truth commission to judge the crime of the Khmer Rouge period.

Feb. 23-28, 1999

PM Hun Sen leaded a delegation to Japan for Tokyo Meeting.

Feb. 25, 1999

Cambodia appeals for continued aid. PM Hun Sen made a plea for international aid donors to keep up their assistance, promising funds would be used to develop the country and not end up in the wrong hands.

King seeks justice for dispossessed. King Sihanouk appealed for the authorities to give justice to poor farmers who have been unfairly thrown off their land. Legal aid workers say recent months have seen a rash of cases of villagers being forced off their land by local authorities including military officers.

Formosa Plastic signs an agreement to take back toxic waste dump in Sihanoukville.

March 4, 1999

National Assembly passes a law to set up a new upper house of parliament - Senate. The Senate will have 61 members, two will be appointed by the King and the rest by the three parties with seats in parliament on a proportional basis. CCP will appoint 31 members, FUNCINPEC 21, and Sam Rainsy Party 7.

March 5, 1999

Louise Arbour, UN chief war crime prosecutor, says an international tribunal probably best forum to try surviving Khmer Rouge leaders.

March 6, 1999

Ta Mok, the one leg Khmer Rouge military chief nicknamed the butcher, is arrested near Anlong Veng and taken to Phnom Penh on the same day by helicopter and detained at military prison. On the same day, US States Department expresses support for the arrest of Ta Mok.

March 7, 1999

Gen. Nhiek Bun Chhai returns to Phnom Penh from Bangkok.

Govt. says To Mok will be tried in a military court under Cambodian law.

March 8, 1999

Foreign Minister Hor Namhong flew to New York to meet Kofi Annon on the Khmer Rouge issues.

UN General Assembly adopts resolution A/RES/53/145 concerning human rights situation in Cambodia.

March 11, 1999

King Sihanouk signs a decree appointing Chea Sim as president of the newly established upper house of parliament or Senate.

March 13, 1999

Prince Norodom Chakrapong returns home after six years in exile.

March 15-17, 1999

Premier Hun Sen visits Indonesia and signs agreement on investment protection.

March 16, 1999

Villagers protest over lost land. Villagers from two provinces gathered outside the National Assembly to complain that their land had been taken over by the military.

March 17, 1999

Cambodia's courts are too corrupt and unprofessional to try former Khmer Rouge leaders. "Domestic trials organized under Cambodia law are not feasible and should not be supported financially by the UN," said a report by a UN three-member panel released.

March 19, 1999

China opposes Khmer Rouge tribunal. China said that it was firmly opposed to the establishment of an international tribunal to try Khmer Rouge leaders.

March 22, 1999

Var Kim Hong, Cambodia's representative, leads a delegation to Vietnam to discuss border issues between the two countries.

March 25, 1999

Senate starts its first session at Chamkarmon and sworn in at the Palace.

April 2, 1999

Toxic wastes are shipped out of Cambodia.

April 3, 1999

Two French citizens of Cambodian origin, Antonya Tioulong and Herve Son, filed a lawsuit in French court seeking the extradition of four former Khmer Rouge leaders, Khieu Samphan, Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary and Ta Mok, to be tried in Paris for crime against humanity and illegal confinement.

April 6, 19999

Bar Association of Cambodia sends attorney Benson Samay to be Ta Mok's lawyer.

April 8, 1999

National Assembly, for the first time, question Co-Interior Ministers on security and social order.

April 28, 1999

Far Eastern Economic Review reveals Kang Kek Ieu, former Khmer Rouge chief of Tuol Sleng, also known as Duch. At least 14,000 people were killed in the prison.

National Assembly adopts law on banning land mines.

April 30, 1999

Cambodia formally joins ASEAN as its tenth member.

May 5, 1999

Duch is quoted as saying that Nuon Chea ordered him to kill the foreigners at Tuol Sleng and “burn their bodies with tires to leave no bones.”

PM Hun Sen takes part in the destruction of about 4,000 confiscated guns as part of his government's drive to rid the country of illegal weapons and improve security in the country.

May 8, 1999

About 2000 people take part in the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day at Angkor Wat, including Queen Monineath, PM Hun Sen, and NA President Prince Ranariddh.

May 9, 1999

Duch is charged with murder and membership in an outlawed group under the 1994 law banning the Khmer Rouge.

May 11, 1999

PM Hun Sen condemns NATO for attacking Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia.

May 13, 1999

About 200 Chinese protest at US Embassy in Phnom Penh, demanding US apology, investigation and punish those responsible for the attack on Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia.

May 26, 1999

Ta Mok says Pol Pot was murdered.

May 28, 1999

PM Hun Sen attends his son, Hun Maneth, graduation ceremony at West Point - the US prestigious military academy.

July 1, 1999

Some 100 students hold a rally outside Thai embassy in Phnom Penh protesting the alleged Thai encroachment of Cambodian territory.

July 2, 1999

UN General Assembly adopts resolution A/RES/53/230 concerning the financing and liquidation of the UNTAC.

July 3, 1999

PM Hun Sen urges Thailand to help resolve a dispute over territory in the Gulf of Thailand.

June 7, 1999

Nuon Paet is sentenced to life imprisonment; he is convicted on six counts of murdering, terrorism, kidnapping, robbery, destruction of state and private property.

June 9, 1999

Le Kha Phieu, Secretary General of Vietnamese Communist Party, pays a 2-days official visit at the invitation of King Sihanouk.  A group of students protest the visit by burning tires.

July 14, 1999

Cambodia’s minister of culture and fine arts, Princess Norodom Bupphadevi, said Cambodia was ready to share the cost of repatriating 912 Khmer artifacts recently seized by Thai authorities from antique dealers in Bangkok and Ayutthaya.

June 15, 1999

Court in Sihanoukville convicts tree custom officers, a Cambodian human rights staff, two Taiwanese businessmen and a Cambodian translator on charges relating to the illegal dumping of toxic waste imported from Taiwan.

June 22, 1999

Thai Princess Mahachakri Srindhorn visits Banteay Chhmar and Angkor Thom.

June 23, 1999

Robert Jones, US deputy assistant to secretary of defense for POW and MIA, visits Cambodia.

June 24, 1999

King Sihanouk departs Phnom Penh for Beijing.

June 30, 1999

US Senator John Kerry proposes S.AMDT.1168 an amendment to restrict US aid to Cambodia.

July 1, 1999

About 100 students demonstrate against border encroachments by Cambodia's neighbors.

Nguon Nhil is elected as 2nd Vice President of National Assembly to replace Chem Sguon, who died of liver cancer in early June.

July 6, 1999

Piseth Peaklika is critically shot near Orusei Market in Phnom Penh.

July 8, 1999

Two Cambodian human rights (LICADHO) staffs stand trial in Sihanoukville court on charge of inciting violence protest against the dumping of toxic waste.

July 16, 1999

US gives $3.4 million to Cambodian human rights and pro-democracy groups.

July 20, 1999

PM Hun Sen defends his government's handling of border disputes, asking protesters for patience.  He adds that he could not recover parts of Cambodia long lost to Thailand and Vietnam but the protestors want to get them back they are welcomed to try.

Senate President Chea Sim leads a senatorial delegation for a 5-days visit to Vietnam.

July 29, 1999

US Rep. Rohrabacher offers H.AMDT.371 an amendment to eliminate any funding for assistance to the RGC.

July 30, 1999

Ta Mok's lawyer, Benson Samay, says he expects the trial to begin by late August; and that if it does not happen, he would insist that his client is released as soon as his six-months pre-trial detention period is up.  On the same day, PM Hun Sen says that the trial of Khmer Rouge leader could embarrass Thailand, which long supported the rebel group.

Aug. 11, 1999

National Assembly votes 94-12 in favor of extending the pre-trial detention period from previously six months up to three years for any suspects charged with genocide, war crimes or crime against humanity. The opposition, Sam Rainsy Party, fiercely criticized the law, fearing it could be used to jail political opponents without trial.

FM Hor Namhong rejected a UN plan for war crime trial, which require foreign judges to hold a majority on a joint tribunal with Cambodian jurists, as a threat to Cambodian's sovereignty.

Aug. 13, 1999

Govt. says it wants to maintain overall control of a UN-backed international-style Khmer Rouge genocide tribunal. Minister Sok An says the tribunal will take place in a Cambodian’s court, but the participation of foreign judges and legal experts will be accepted.

Aug. 19, 1999

225 illegal Chinese immigrants are arrested in Phnom Penh.

Aug. 25, 1999

UN legal team arrives in Phnom Penh for talks on Khmer Rouge tribunal. The team is led by Ralph Zacklin, UN assistant Secretary-General.

Aug. 28, 1999

King Sihanouk and Queen Monineath return home after two months stay in China.

Sept. 1, 1999

PM Hun Sen departs for Canada, Cuba and New York.

Sept. 7, 1999

Ta Mok is charged with crime of genocide.  He is charged under the 1979 law, which analysts believe is a move aimed at ensuring the legality of his continued detention.

Sept. 8, 1999

PM Hun Sen arrives in Cuba for a five-days visit aimed at strengthening ties between the two counties.

Sept. 10, 19999

Duch is charged with crime of genocide under the 1979 law.

Sept. 11, 1999

King Sihanouk reveals on TV that his health become weaker and weaker.

Sept. 17, 1999

PM Hun Sen meets UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in New York; the Khmer Rouge tribunal is discussed.  The PM is in New York to attend the 54th UN General Assembly.

Sept. 23, 1999

217 illegal Chinese immigrants are deported back to China.

Sept. 24, 1999

Cambodia and Japan sign an agreement, under which Japan provides $39.4 million in loan to Cambodia for upgrading port facilities.

Oct. 6, 1999

Lon Phon, Sam Rainsy Party MP, is abducted by 4 gunmen, who demand ransom of $400,000.

Oct. 9, 1999

Lon Phon is released by paying $140,000.

226 more illegal Chinese immigrants are arrested by police in Phnom Penh.

Oct. 13, 1999

PM Hun Sen's cabinet denies the PM's involvement in the love affairs with Piseth Peaklika.  The denial come in responding to a French magazine L'Expresse article issued about a week earlier.

Oct. 17, 1999

Queen Noor of Jordan visits Cambodia.

Oct. 19, 1999

PM Hun Sen departs for Laos to attend a meeting of Indochinese leaders.

Nov. 23, 1999

CPP and FUNCINPEC leaders mark 1-year anniversary of their coalition govt. at Le Royale Hotel in Phnom Penh.

Dec. 3, 1999

PM Hun Sen orders the re-arrest of 66 prisoners, who were irregularly released by the Phnom Penh Court.

Dec. 24, 1999

Sok Yeun, Sam Rainsy Party Battambang activist, is arrested by Thai police in Thailand.  Yeun was accused by the Cambodian authority of plotting to assassinate PM Hun Sen in Siem Reap on Sept. 24, 1998.

Dec. 30, 1999

About 100,000 people attend the Festival Angkor 2000 at Angkor Wat.

Dec. 31, 1999

A sculpture is inaugurated near Japanese bridge in Phnom Penh.  The sculpture is made from about 4,000 confiscated weapons.

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